Regulations guide us on how to supervise and how to be supervised. However, there are many factors that go into maintaining a level of professionalism that is expected in the healthcare field. Our career paths are often tested and challenged in ways that make many question whether they are on the right track. This interactive discussion will allow participants to discuss the tough and under-addressed supervision experiences that are often considered and rarely expressed.
Content Level: Intermediate
Jenerations Health Education, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0130. Participants are granted 3Contact Hours of Continuing Education*Live, on-line, self-study
Jenerations Health Education is an approved sponsor of the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners for continuing education credits for licensed social workers in Maryland. Jenerations Health Education maintains responsibility for this program.
Participant is awarded 3Supervision Category I Maryland Social Work CEUs
Jenerations Health Education, #1494, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. Jenerations Health Education maintains responsibility for this course. ACE provider approval period: 1/26/2024-1/26/2027 . Social Workers completing this course receive 3 continuing education credit.
9.13.2024 The Challenging Side of Supervision (5.6 MB) | Available after Purchase |
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand 3 ways our professionalism is tested in the healthcare industry
2. Learn 3 ways to maintain professionalism in the healthcare industry
3. Explore 3 signs that an individual may not be on the right career path
90 minutes: How is professionalism tested in the healthcare industry? What are the challenges being faced? What role do other professionals play?
15 minutes: Break
45 minutes: How to stay professional in stressful and/or unpredictable situations
45 minutes: How do you know if this is the right career path? What do you do?
See below for policies and accommodations information:
Q: How do I access the program?
A: Log in to your account at and you can launch the applicable program from your list of registered courses. You may also click the link provided in your event confirmation or reminder emails and that will take you to your account. Please use the same email you used to register for your account. If you do not recall your log-in information you may request it:
Q: Do I need to set up an account? / Why do I need to register?
A: Account registration is required for each individual who wishes to participate in a CEU and receive credit to maintain credit compliance requirements. Your account will also provide you with the ability to access your program history, handouts, and ability to download your CE certificate.
Q: How can I tell if I am registered?
A: Please go to your account and your registered courses will be listed. You will also receive a registration confirmation via your email if you have successfully registered for the program. Be sure to check your SPAM or Junk folders as well. If you have questions about your registration or did not receive a confirmation email, please contact
Q: How do I receive my CEs at the end of the webinar? /How do I get my certificate?
A: CE certificates will be made available to all participants who attend the webinar in full, and completes the evaluation found in their registration profile for live interactive programs. For on-demand programs, participants must complete the program in it's entirety as well as the evaluation and post test. You will find these in your profile when you log in:
Q: What if I am running late or must leave before the program ends? Will I still receive credit?
A: Due to credit compliance standards, full attendance is required to receive CE certificate. Therefore, if you arrive to the webinar late or leave the webinar early, you may not qualify to receive a CE certificate. Jenerations does not offer partial credit for participation.
Q: What if I get kicked out of a webinar and cannot get back in?
A: Should you have technical difficulties; you should be able to rejoin the webinar through your account profile by clicking “Launch Webinar”. Our attendees are given a grace period to rejoin; however, failure to return in time, will result in not receiving CE credits. If technical difficulties are experienced by the entire group a notice will be sent out advising of such.
Q: Are the webinars live?
A: Yes, our Jenerations webinars are live and interactive - not pre-recorded. To receive credit, these webinars should be treated as if you are attending an in-person course in a classroom setting and will also require a minimum participation. This is tracked via your online participation as well as polls/quiz responses and other applicable certification requirements.
NOTE: Jenerations also offers On-Demand content. This content is pre-recorded. Credits may differ from the original Live Webinar offering.
Q: Who are you authorized by?
A: While most licensing boards for social work accept CE, credits provided by (ASWB), licensees are responsible for determining where specific courses meet their jurisdiction’s requirements. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. **It is the responsibility of the registered user to review the details of each program and the credit approvals (noted in the approval statement under the Credits tab) on the website to determine which CE approvals are being offered for each course.
Jenerations Health Education is approved by the following organizations:
Jenerations Health Education regularly submits programs to the following entities for program approvals:
Q: Are there specific equipment or technical requirements?
There are recommended system settings and system requirements. System requirements are:
It is recommended to have a wired connection or at minimum a strong wireless connection. Should you lose connectivity to the program it may impact your attendance which can impact the participation needed to obtain credit.
Q: Do you offer ADA Accommodations?
A: Yes! If you are requesting ADA accommodations, please contact us via email at at least two weeks prior to the course date. Requests after that date may not be fulfilled.
Q: What do I do if I have a complaint/grievance?
A: For grievances, contact Jenerations Health Education at 443-416-7710 or
Bibliography & References available upon request