Every day mental illnesses and cognitive impairment negatively impact quality of life for older adults. Generational stigma, age-related triggers, changes in cognitive and mental health and reluctance to acknowledge a diagnosis are just some of the issues professionals and families face. This interactive ethics program will offer a look at the most commonly diagnosed mental health and cognitive problems for seniors and the most ethical and effective treatments. The discussion will also focus on ethical strategies on how to work with a cohort often reluctant to accept psychiatric services.
Content Level: Beginner to Intermediate
No streaming/virtual option
LOCATION: Registration 8:30am Program: 9am-12:15pm EST
The Village at Augsburg
Worship & Community Life Center
6811 Campfield Road
Baltimore, MD 21207
This program has been pre-approved by The Commission for Case Manager Certification to provide Ethics continuing education credit to CCM® board certified case managers. The course is approved for 3 CE contact hour(s). Activity code: S00054267 Approval Number: 230000715
To claim these CEs, log into your CCMC Dashboard at www.ccmcertification.org.*Certificate must be retained for at least one year past the participant’s CCM board certified case manager’s renewal date.
Jenerations Health Education is an approved sponsor of the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners for continuing education credits for licensed social workers in Maryland. Jenerations Health Education maintains responsibility for this program.
Participant is awarded 3 Ethics, Category 1 Maryland Social Work CEUs
Jenerations Health Education is approved by the National Academy of Certified Care Managers (NACCM) as a continuing education provider, #20-801JHE. This activity is approved for 3 CMC contact hours.
Stephanie Goldstein, BSW, LBSW, has been in healthcare for more than 15 years. Her experience includes both working directly with patients and as a manager in mental health and long term care. She is passionate about educating patients and families on options while promoting self-determination for those with complex physical, cognitive or mental health diagnoses. A frequent guest lecturer for Johns Hopkins University’s Certificate on Aging program, she also loves teaching professionals about best practices in working with older generations.
Learning Objectives:
Name at least 3 common cognitive/mental health conditions older adults may be diagnosed with
Identify at least 3 different ethical dilemmas arising from working with an older adult diagnosed with a mental health condition
Identify at least 3 areas of codes of ethics that can guide ethical decision making
Identify best practices/resources that can reduce the risk of ethical mistake and prevent ethical dilemmas from arising
30 minutes: Registration
45 minutes: Common mental health and cognitive disorders that older adults may be living with
45 minutes: What are common ethical dilemmas that can arise when working with someone with a mental health condition?
15 minutes: Break
45 minutes: Reviews of Codes of Ethics/Codes of Conduct that professionals can use to help work through ethical dilemmas
45 minutes: What are best practices to help reduce the risk of ethical dilemmas?
*Successful completion of this seminar will require attendance for the entire event, signing in & out as well as completion & submission of the evaluation form.
*Certificates distributed upon completion & receipt of evaluation
*Partial credit is not offered
Q: Do you offer ADA Accommodations?
A: Yes! If you are requesting ADA accommodations, please contact us via email at contact@jenerationshealth.com at least two weeks prior to the course date. Requests after that date may not be fulfilled.
Q: What do I do if I have a complaint/grievance?
A: For grievances, contact Jenerations Health Education at 443-416-7710 or contact@jenerationshealth.com.
Bibliography & References available upon request