Professional boundaries while working with a client or patient are always important. But when treating someone who has narcissistic, borderline and/or histrionic traits, they become even more crucial. This interactive program will help you understand how to prevent ethical dilemmas through solid boundary development. Also discussed will be how to manage ethical challenges with vigilant boundary management.
Content Level: Beginner to intermediate
PROGRAM LOCATION & INFORMATION: Registration 8:30am Program 9am-12:15pm EST
The Village at Rockville
9701 Veirs Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
This program has been pre-approved by The Commission for Case Manager Certification to provide Ethics continuing education credit to CCM® board certified case managers. The course is approved for 3 CE contact hour(s). Activity code: S00060989 Approval Number: 240003057
To claim these CEs, log into your CCMC Dashboard at*Certificate must be retained for at least one year past the participant’s CCM board certified case manager’s renewal date.
Jenerations Health Education is approved by the National Academy of Certified Care Managers (NACCM) as a continuing education provider, #20-801JHE. This activity is approved for 3 CMC contact hours.
Jenerations Health Education, #1494, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. Jenerations Health Education maintains responsibility for this course. ACE provider approval period: 1/26/2024-1/26/2027 . Social Workers completing this course receive 3 Ethics continuing education credit.
PPT presentation (307.2 KB) | Available after Registration |
Joanna Frankel is a graduate of Towson University with her Bachelors in both Psychology and Gerontology. Following, Joanna obtained her MSW from the University of Maryland School of Social Work with a clinical concentration and a focus in Aging. Since, Joanna has been working in the long-term care setting for over 15 years. Her experience includes directing the social work department in a 205-bed facility, with clients who have a variety of mental health issues, long term care needs, at end of life, on dialysis and who are ventilator dependent. Additionally, Joanna is passionate about and has expertise in dementia, advance directives/end of life and mental health issues in the elderly. Furthermore, she has spent the last 10 years consulting in several nursing homes, educating social workers on the proper practices of long-term care while providing clinical supervision. Joanna has always educated interdisciplinary teams, patients and families on various topics on aging. When Joanna isn’t working, you can find her playing ball with her husband and 2 boys or at the nearest sushi restaurant.
Learning Objectives:
60 minutes: What are the distinguishing features of Borderline, Narcissistic and Histrionic Personality Disorders that test boundaries?
30 minutes: What ethical challenges to healthcare professionals face when working with individuals with personality disorders?
15 minutes: Break
45 minutes: What role do boundaries play in working with people with personality disorders and how do we assess ourselves?
45 minutes: Applying our Codes of Ethics to reduce the risk of and managing ethical challenges being faced
*Successful completion of this seminar will require attendance for the entire event, signing in & out as well as completion & submission of the evaluation form.
*Certificates distributed upon completion & receipt of evaluation
*Partial credit is not offered
Q: Do you offer ADA Accommodations?
A: Yes! If you are requesting ADA accommodations, please contact us via email at at least two weeks prior to the course date. Requests after that date may not be fulfilled.
Q: What do I do if I have a complaint/grievance?
A: For grievances, contact Jenerations Health Education at 443-416-7710 or
Bibliography & References available upon request